Monday, 25 November 2013

Five Things to Avoid at Work

Nothing stays hidden on the Web for long, so, here are five things you should avoid at all costs if you want to stay employed.

  1. Never save your online passwords on a work computer as the office can access your work computer. So while surfing the net, use your browser's privacy mode and avoid saving passwords of your personal accounts, Fox News reported.
  2. You should also refrain from circulating inappropriate emails and instant messages as anything in writing, stays in the record and can be traced back to you.
  3. Avoid taking selfies while at work and posting it online, as you might end up sharing more than you planned and in case of a mishap, you may be asked to pay a fine or be asked to serve jail time.
  4. Also, your identity can be revealed even if you post "anonymous" reviews or comments, so keep away from doing that, especially from your work computer.
  5. In the current day and age, it has become easier than ever for an employer to track down gaps and inconsistencies in your work history or medical education, so never lie on your resume.
Source: MeD India

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